
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dear Friend

I'm not doing too great.  I'm incredibly frustrated with work and with just life in general.  It's nothing specific really, I just feel like I'm so far behind and I just keep trying to catch up but every time I get close to where I want to be, I slip and fall and have to play catch up again...it's just so frustrating.  Yes, I'm whining right now but we all need to vent at some point to someone and I've chosen you as my go to.  Don't get me wrong, I love my life and I love the people I have in it but I feel like it should be easier.  But then again if it was easier it wouldn't be half as fun would it?  I think my mood has a lot to do with the fact that I'm still feeling sick and I'm hungry.  I'll be over it as soon as I eat.  haha

Thanks for being my friend :)

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